
Fall 2012 Yoga Classes

• Gentle Yoga, Mondays 10am

Enjoy a slow paced practice for all levels and ability. This class will include breath linked postures, gentle stretching, meditation and relaxation. What a wonderful way to begin the week! Class is offered Pilates Plus Wellness Center and props are provided.

• Yoga, Wed 9:30 to 10:30

This class honors all levels of ability. Use this time to balance your current fitness routine or enhance your yoga practice. This class includes postures for core strength, flexibility and relaxation. Please bring your yoga mat or towel. Please call 410-257-2554 for registration or visit 4075 G Stinnett Boulevard Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732.

• Yoga for Strength and Balance Wed 7:30 to 8:45pm

This class offers a blend of yoga techniques for balance and strength. This class begins with vinyasa and creative movement postures for strength followed by restful postures for relaxation. All props will be provided and class is open to all levels. Pilates Plus Wellness Center Upper Marlboro Maryland. Call 301-952-1111 or email for registration. Drop ins welcome at $16 per class or $160 for full session.

Pilates Plus Wellness Center Yoga

• Restorative Yoga: Friday October 19th and Friday November 16th from 7 to 8:30pm

Rest, renew, and restore. This class may be helpful to relieve chronic and emotional stress. Relax and invite your body to move towards its natural rhythms with breath awareness and supported postures. Props such as bolsters and blankets will be provided. Feel free to bring your own blanket and eye pillow. Please contact Pilates Plus directly for registration 301-952-1111. $55 for 3 sessions pr $22 for single session.

•  Wellness in the Workplace: Thursday 9/6, 10/4, 11/1 7:30 to 8:30pm

Bring wellness to your work week. Learn simple techniques at your desk. Class includes gentle stretching, stress reducing techniques and movements to prevent repetitive stress patterns. Please call 410-257-2554 for registration or visit 4075 G Stinnett Boulevard Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732. One session cost $6, choose one or attend all three.